16n Fader Bank Check Availability

What is that thing?

This is 16n. It is a bank of 16 60mm faders. It is designed for controlling electronic musical instruments and devices.

What does it do?

You move faders. 16n emits output.

It has a number of outputs:

  • it sends MIDI data over USB; by default, a different continuous controller for each fader.
  • it sends MIDI data over a 3.5mm stereo (TRS) jack, which you can break out using any available converter. There is a switch to toggle between the two standards for this (so it’ll work with both Korg/Makenoise and Arturia/Novation products and converters directly). This can be the same CCs as the MIDI over USB, or different ones, if you’d like.
  • it sends 0-5V CV out of sixteen jacks, one for each fader. (Well, almost 5V, dependent on your USB power supply)
  • it sends data over I2C, using a TRS jack: either as a master device, which could connect directly to (e.g.) an ER-301 or monome Ansible, or as a bus device for a monome Teletype

All outputs are sent simultaneously.

16n is built around a Teensy microcontroller, and is written in Arduino-style C++.
